Kazuhiro was invited from a Prof. Takane Katayama, Kyoto University, and gave a talk at the university. The title of the talk is
“Comprehensive functional and structural glycosphingolipidomics in α-galactosidase A-deficient rats”
Kazuhiro was invited from a Prof. Takane Katayama, Kyoto University, and gave a talk at the university. The title of the talk is
“Comprehensive functional and structural glycosphingolipidomics in α-galactosidase A-deficient rats”
We participated Gordon research conference held on 2/11/18-2/16/18, at Galveston, Texas, USA. Kazuhiro, Masaaki and Mayumi gave poster presentations. The poster titles […]
Kazuhiro was invited and gave an oral presentation at the 91st Annual meeting of the Japan Biochemical Society held on 9/24/18 to […]
Kazuhiro gave a poster presentation at the Annual Meeting of Japanese Society of Carbohydrate Research, held at Asahikawa, Hokkaido, Japan (7/19/2017-7/21/2017). The […]
Kazuhiro was invited from our research collaborator, Dr. Guerardel, Lille University France. He worked as a visiting scholar in the University for […]